Terms and Conditions/ Agreement

AGREEMENT OVERVIEW: This Agreement expresses the full and complete agreement between the CLIENTS (Clients name) and SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY (Hereafter refereed to as SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY) . It supersedes all prior agreements. The only way to add or change this agreement is to do so in writing, signed by all parties.

COOPERATION: Unless otherwise noted, SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY it's associates or employees will be the exclusive photographer(s) at the photography shoot. The Parties agree that good faith cooperation and communication between them is important in obtaining a good result. SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY recommends that CLIENTS identify to the photographer(s) important events, timings, products and interiors/exteriors (if buildings). CLIENTS must also notify SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY and photographer(s) in writing if they wish to have anything photographed in a particular way. SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY or the photographer(s) will not be held accountable for not photographing desired images, products and or interiors/exteriors if there is no one to assist in identifying these particular details and photographs. SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY is not responsible if key individuals fail to appear or cooperate during photography, or for missed images due to details not revealed to SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY or beyond the photographer(s) control.

IMAGES and COPYRIGHTS: Photographs/images produced by SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY are protected by Copyright Law (all rights reserved). Upon final payment by CLIENTS, CLIENTS are allowed to display resulting images for personal use. If the images are to be used commercially the CLIENTS must notify SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY for approval. Said images may not be altered or reproduced in any manner without prior written permission of SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY. CLIENTS will receive digital images with printing rights. Unless agreed prior in writing publishing the photos socially or commercially, SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY must be noted as the photographer. The CLIENTS must also obtain written permission from SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY prior to the CLIENTS, their associates, friends or relatives selling the photographs.

MODEL RELEASE. The CLIENTS hereby grants to SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY and successors, heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, attorneys, representatives and agents, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish photographs of the CLIENTS or in which the CLIENTS may be included, for editorial, trade, advertising or any other purpose and in any manner or medium; to alter the same without restriction; and to copyright the same. The CLIENTS hereby release SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY and all associates representatives and assigns from any and all claims, actions, demands, suits, liabilities, damages, expenses, and obligations of any kind arising from, or related in any manner to SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY use of said images.

RETAINER & PAYMENT SCHEDULE: A non-refundable fee as detailed on the quotation is due at the signing of this agreement or by approval of the quotation in electronic format. This is a NON-REFUNDABLE RETAINER. Should CLIENT cancel or otherwise breach this Agreement, the NON-REFUNDABLE RETAINER shall be liquidated for damages to SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY. The CLIENT shall also be responsible for payment of any materials/charges incurred up to the time of cancellation. Otherwise, the retainer shall be applied towards the Final Total, with the remainder of charges payable in full, prior to taking the photographs. If extras are added, payments must be paid before images are handed over to CLIENTS.

LIMIT OF LIABILITY: In the unlikely event that the photographer(s) are injured, become too ill, or has an emergency that prevents them from photographing the event, SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY will contact the CLIENT as soon as possible, to arrange another suitable date and time, and if necessary (if an event), will try to find a replacement photographer. If this does not suit the CLIENT, the CLIENTS agree that responsibility and liability of SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY to the CLIENTS is limited to the return of all payments received for the event. SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY takes the upmost care with respect to exposure, storage, and processing the photographs/images, but cannot and does not, guarantee that photographs/images of the event will not be lost, stolen, or destroyed for reasons within or beyond SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY control. CLIENT agrees that SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY or the photographer(s) full and complete responsibility and liability is limited to the return of all payments received for the event.

COMPLETION SCHEDULE: Images are expected to be edited within 4-6 weeks of the event date. Electronic delivery is expected within this time frame, but may take longer.

HOURS OF COVERAGE: Hours of coverage are continuous. SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY it's associates or employees will take small breaks as necessary throughout this period, and will confide in the CLIENT before doing so.

Weddings only: If engaged for more that six (6) hours the CLIENT agrees to provide a meal to SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY it's associates or employees employed during the wedding.

Additional hours will be charged as detailed on the quotation- per hour. SAXON PHOTOGRAPHY will only stay for additional hours when given permission by CLIENT.